bb4books is a digital first publishing house. Our business model is based on ebook distribution via the Amazon platform and their disruptive Kindle Direct Publishing tool.
And we print on demand all over the world, the books are sent from the nearest print shop to the place of order. No unsold copies. No scrapping.
Unbeatable carbon footprint
Our editorial line is simple: we publish books that respond to a critical issue through the transmission of a specific skill.
The objective is to popularize the subject so that the diffusion reaches the maximum of people. We publish authors who are willing to sacrifice their jargon for the sake of clarity.
We currently have two collections:
- Better World which deals with issues related to personal well-being.
- Boss Generation, which is about continuing education in the professional world.
The method of remuneration of the authors is linked to the sale of paper books, sale of ebook and consultation of read pages of ebook (Prime subscription of Amazon).
We publish mainly in English and French… but we do not exclude other language versions as for the 12 geographical markets covered by AMZ.